
Key Elements to Create Grant Management Success

How do you measure whether your grant management is successful Grant Management Success | ?

Here are some ways you can tell if what you are doing is working…or not!

  • Are you doing a lot of work, but NOT seeing the desired result of more funding?
  • Do you feel like you’re doing the “right” things, but you are NOT keeping your funding agencies happy?
  • Do you have audit FINDINGS and PROGRAM issues?

3 Reasons Why It Matters More Now (OMB Super Circular-Style)

There are over $500 billion in Federal funds awarded each year.

If you want to increase the ability to reach more people, and make a bigger difference, you don’t want to be frozen out of Federal awards.

Here are three reasons why successful grant management is more important than ever with the new OMB Super Circular.

Reason #1:

Federal agencies will do a RISK assessment of your organization prior to awarding Federal $$$

Reason #2:

Federal agencies will put more emphasis on performance MEAUREMENTS over the life of award than ever before

Reason #3:

Federal agencies have a mandate to make sure AUDIT findings are resolved in a timely manner and will have new tools to make sure that the same old problems don’t continue year-after-year.

So don’t wait…

It’s more important than ever because the NEW grant regulations are highlighting risk reduction BEFORE the award even starts and performance measurements and clean audit reports AFTER the award starts.

3 Key Elements of Successful Grant Management

In our last webinar, we spent a little time talking about three key elements that lead to successful grant management.

(I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to distill the things that winning organizations do over and over…)

These are things that certain organizations do on a regular basis-you know the ones that consistently get lots of awards, and stay out of trouble with their funding agencies.

What are the three key elements of successful grant management?

They are:

#1 Be Seen

#2 Be Safe

#3 Be Relevant

Let’s unpack these a little more.

What Does It Mean To Be Seen, Be Safe, Be Relevant?

#1 is Be SEEN-as the right solution

• By your funding agency
• By your community
• By the people that you want to serve

#2 Be SAFE-to your funding agency

• Your funding agency is looking for safe places to award funds.
• The new risk assessment makes this more important than ever before.
• The new performance measurements make this more monitored than before.

#3 is be RELEVANT

• Ever felt like it’s an uphill battle to get people interested in knowing about grant management?

(This is especially important to both your employees and your other stakeholders.)

Do you ever feel like people just want to spend the money, but not hear about the “rules?”

Why do you think that is?

In a nutshell it’s because they don’t see the relevance of the “rules” to what they want to accomplish.

So to be relevant you have to bridge the distance between the grant guidance and the desired results.

Coming Next: Ways We Sabotage Being Seen

In the next few articles, we are going to walk through these 3 key elements in more detail with practical suggestions on how to stop sabotaging your chances of being seen by funding agencies as the best solution Grant Management Success | .

Ready to Improve Your Grant Management?

How about you?

Would you like to be a better grant manager?

We have another grant management training seminar coming soon.

Click here to get all the details!

Hope to see you there!


Lucy Morgan CPA, MBA

CEO, Compliance Warrior

Author of “Decoding Grant Management-The Ultimate Success Guide to the Federal Grant Regulations in 2 CFR Part 200”  The 2nd Edition is now available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle versions.

Grant Management Success

Grant Management Success Grant Management Success