
Grant Management Monitoring: 9 Lies that Fraudsters Like to Tell

Grant management is not just about doing everything right. It also includes monitoring to make sure things aren’t being done wrong. Grant fraud and misuse of grant funds is an unfortunate reality of grants management. Concealment Behaviors Grant professionals should be aware of 9 typical types of concealment behaviors that may indicate grant fraud is taking […]

3 Little Known Factors That Can Affect Your Single Audit

Single Audit

When managing federal grants, you must understand the requirements for a successful Single Audit. After all, the goal of the Uniform Guidance regulations is to make sure that money spent on Federal grants is only for: • Allowable activities • Allowable goods and services But three little-considered factors also affect your Single Audit. They are: […]

How Safe is Your Grant from Conflicts of Interest?

Good grants management requires grantees to use their federal funds in the best interests of their federal grants and not have a conflict of interest. But when the people put their personal best interests before the best interests of the federal program, the result can shatter trust-both with the funding agency and within the organization.  […]

The Shocking Truth about $2.3 Million Payback of Grant Funds

Payback of Grant Funds

How would you like to write a $2.3 million check to the US Treasury because your grant was mismanaged? Sound painful? An Office of the Inspector General report recommended that $2.3 million in grant funds be repaid to the Federal government. The award was made by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the state […]

7 Areas of Subrecipient Monitoring-Do You Know What to Ask?

grantee monitoring

Do you wish you had a subrecipient monitoring FAQ guide to identify the major areas of grant monitoring risk? But are you wondering what exactly that looks like for grant management? Here are seven areas of monitoring to help you start the conversation and assess your risk as the primary grant recipient: Area #1: Is […]

13 Top Tips for Grant Management Monitoring

I shared an article on LinkedIn on the 7 warning signs for grant management monitoring, and I was amazed by the response! It felt like people were leaping up from their desks to get their 2 cents in for the top grant management monitoring tips as well! And many of the ideas were much more […]