“Repay the unallowable costs!” That is the result no grant manager wants to hear, especially with federal funding. So, I speak a lot about keeping federal grants from being unallowable grant costs in terms of strong internal controls. Let’s shift gears and look at a real-life case study from the Office of the Inspector General […]
Compliance Warriors
Grant Management: Prevent Misuse of Funds
I admit it! I am a grant management optimist! I want to believe that it is rare for a grantee to intentionally misuses funds. However, without proper planning and documentation, an organization places itself at risk for misuse of funds-both accidental and intentional. Prevent Misuse of Grant Funds Since the implementation of 2 CFR Part 200, […]
7 Basics of Internal Control Grant Managers Should Know
So you got a federal grant. And that means lots of internal controls requirements. Are you wondering what that means – really? A primary “must” for managing your organization’s federal awards is strong internal controls. So, if you are feeling a little uncertain about what that means to you, here are the basics of internal […]
14 Grant Fraud Warning Signs: Which Are You Ignoring?
No one wants to think the “unthinkable” could happen at their organization. But waste, fraud, and abuse of grant funds happen daily across the over $1+ trillion in federal grants awarded annually. So how can you avoid becoming a victim of grant fraud? The first step is being aware of the warning signs. Fraud: Watch […]
Don’t Do These 3 Things When Managing Your Grant
The perfect storm of grant waste, fraud, and abuse can turn a dream award into a nightmare when you are managing your grant. Managing Your Grant – When Good Grants Go Bad An example of good grants going bad include a former Grant Administrator sentenced for stealing over $160,000 in grant funds. The grant funds were […]
Mystery of the Grant Fraud Triangle
Grant fraud is a mystery to many of us. How can it happen? Why would someone do it? And more importantly: How can federal grant recipients avoid grant fraud? Solving the mystery of “The Fraud Triangle” was led by criminologist Dr. Donald Cressey and is based on his well-accepted behavioral research model studying embezzlers. 3 […]