In-person conferences are back! And I’m fresh off conferences in the fall and spring, including presenting at the Grant Professional Association Conference. Now I admit it. I was slow to join any type of professional organization. It seemed impossible to fit one more thing into my already busy schedule. But I took a chance on […]
Training and Development
Three Secrets Grant Writers Need to Know About Grant Management
I was leading grant management training in Jackson, Mississippi, and was pleasantly surprised to have some people in the room who are involved with proposal development for federal awards. Now it wasn’t just professional courtesy that made me so happy to see them, but because some changes baked into the grant regulation 2 CFR Part […]
Decoding Grant Management-Success Tip: Revision of Budget and Program Plans
When it comes to budget revisions and program plans, I like to believe that it is rare that a grantee would intentionally misuse funds. However, without proper planning and documentation, an organization places itself at risk for waste, fraud, and abuse of grant funds. Prevention of these undesirable outcomes starts at the beginning of the […]
7 Success Tips from Decoding Grant Management
There are many moving parts when you are managing federal grants. That’s why we wanted to make it easier to find all our favorite tips from “Decoding Grant Management – The Ultimate Success Guide to the Federal Grant Regulations in 2 CFR Part 200.” Here are 7 success tips in our most favorite federal grant […]
10 Areas of Grant Risk to Consider
It’s a nightmare grant risk scenario! Picture grant funds flying out the door with seemingly little or no oversight. (Remember the “bad” part of the ARRA funding days in 2009? See any similarities between the CARES Act and ARPA funding?) The stories in the press certainly give the impression that good grants frequently go bad. […]
What is Cost-share or Match?
Cost-share (also called “match“) is the part of the federally-sponsored project or program that is not paid for by the federal government. “Cost sharing or matching means the portion of project costs not paid by Federal funds (unless otherwise authorized by Federal statute). See also § 200.306 Cost sharing or matching.” From 2 CFR Part 200 […]