
Cheat Sheet: 10 Ways to Prepare for the New Grant Regulations

Are you getting the idea that a bunch of things are changing for Cheat Sheet grant management with the implementation of the new Super Circular?

Wondering where to start?

We’ve put together a “cheat sheet” to help you get ready for implementing the new guidelines.

Let’s get started with our top 10…

10 Areas to Check for Grant Management

Here are 10 things you need to evaluate to be ready for the biggest change to grant management in years.

#1: Obsolete OMB Circular References

Where are you referencing the old regulations?

• You may need to update your Procedures and Policies to reference the new guidance and remove references to the old OMB Circular references.

#2: Measuring Up

Does your performance and financial monitoring measure up?

• You may need to update your Procedures and Policies to include the new requirements for performance and  Financial Monitoring.

#3: Just Passing Through?

Are you a pass-through entity?

• You may need to add a process for the new risk assessment requirements for pass-through entities.

#4: Boldly Support Women and Families

How do you support encourage woman in the sciences and technology fields?

• You will need to update your employee policies to include the new family-friendly policy requirements.

#5: Training is Essential

How are you ensuring a well-trained work force?

• Start making plans to train employees on what has changed with the new grant regulations.

#6: Contract Bye-Bye?

Is your procurement team on board?

• You will need to update your contract templates to include the new contract provisions Cheat Sheet.

#7: Keep It Personal

How are you protecting personal information?

• The new regulations will require the organization to certify the safety of protected personally identifiable information. (PPII)

#8: Sigh of Relief?

Are you off the hook for future compliance audits?

• Higher thresholds may eliminate the need for compliance with the Single Audit Act for some organizations.

#9: Rate Limbo-How Low Can You Go?

Tired of fighting over Indirect Cost Rate proposals, or perhaps you haven’t even gotten one approved yet?

• Explore your new options for Indirect Cost Rates under the new grant guidance Cheat Sheet

#10: Conflict Warriors

What does your conflict of interest policy cover?

• You may need to strengthen your conflict of interest disclosures

Ready to Improve Your Grant Management?

Cheat SheetHow about you?

Would you like to be a better grant manager?

We have another grant management training seminar coming soon.

Click here to get all the details!

Hope to see you there!


Lucy Morgan CPA, MBA

CEO, Compliance Warrior

Author of “Decoding Grant Management-The Ultimate Success Guide to the Federal Grant Regulations in 2 CFR Part 200”  The 2nd Edition is now available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle versions.

Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet