In my last post: Seven Ways to Improve Grant Management Part I, I shared ways to improve federal grant management with you. These suggestions from various Office of the Inspectors General (OIG) on how to improve the management of your grant. In this second part of our series, I expand on their suggestions by looking […]
2 cfr part 200
7 Ways to Spot a Subrecipient Relationship
One of the grant management questions we get the most emails on is, “What is the difference between a subrecipient and a vendor?” Subrecipient vs. Contractor: What’s in a Name? The distinction between the terminology causes no end of confusion because the terms subrecipient, subgrantee, and subawardee are used interchangeably by federal grant recipients and […]
What is a Federal Award?
Let’s look at the term “Award” for federal grant recipients. A federal “award” means grants, cooperative agreements, cost reimbursement contracts, and other agreements between the federal government and a non-federal entity such as a: State Government Local Government Indian Tribal Government Non-profit Organization Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Here is the definition from 2 CFR […]
Three Secrets Grant Writers Need to Know About Grant Management
I was leading grant management training in Jackson, Mississippi, and was pleasantly surprised to have some people in the room who are involved with proposal development for federal awards. Now it wasn’t just professional courtesy that made me so happy to see them, but because some changes baked into the grant regulation 2 CFR Part […]
How to Create a Financial Management Manual from Scratch
When it comes to financial management with federal grants, it seems like you have to become a Uniform Guidance “Master” to determine the requirements. Even if you consider yourself a problem-solver, 2 CFR Part 200 is “peppered’ with an overwhelming list of documentation requirements centered around payment management, property management, record retention, and a long […]
10 Areas of Grant Risk to Consider
It’s a nightmare grant risk scenario! Picture grant funds flying out the door with seemingly little or no oversight. (Remember the “bad” part of the ARRA funding days in 2009? See any similarities between the CARES Act and ARPA funding?) The stories in the press certainly give the impression that good grants frequently go bad. […]