The More the Merrier? 5 Steps You Need To Know When You Have Multiple Grants

Multiple grants require diligent and planned monitoring to ensure that funds received are expended and then reported to the appropriate agency. as the various funders require. Multiple Grants: Is Your Head Spinning? Here are a few examples: You must ensure that expenses are tracked and claimed only once. Time and effort must be assigned to […]
What is a Federal Award?

Let’s look at the term “Award” for federal grant recipients. A federal “award” means grants, cooperative agreements, cost reimbursement contracts, and other agreements between the federal government and a non-federal entity such as a: State Government Local Government Indian Tribal Government Non-profit Organization Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Here is the definition from 2 CFR […]
Waste, Fraud and Abuse Cost the Federal Government Billions

Government waste, fraud, and abuse cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year and that’s just on the US Federal level! But do you know what these terms mean when it comes to spending of Federal funds? Here are some examples… What is Fraud? Fraud is any deliberate deception that exists to unlawfully deny the Federal […]
What is an Advance?

An advance for a federal grant is a payment method where the funder pays the non-Federal entity in advance of spending the grant funds. (Doesn’t that sound better than waiting for a reimbursement?) § 200.3 Advance payment. Advance payment means a payment that a Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity makes by any appropriate payment […]