Now, in case you think this is going to be one of those “I walked through the snow five miles to school uphill both ways!” type of story, I have to confess… I had it easy! I never had to start a grants office from scratch (all by myself) to manage federal awards. I did […]
federal grant training
Decoding Grant Management-Success Tip: Revision of Budget and Program Plans
When it comes to budget revisions and program plans, I like to believe that it is rare that a grantee would intentionally misuse funds. However, without proper planning and documentation, an organization places itself at risk for waste, fraud, and abuse of grant funds. Prevention of these undesirable outcomes starts at the beginning of the […]
How to Create a Grant Management Manual From Scratch
You may have heard about the need for grant management documentation. Because there is a lot of risk around federal funding… That’s why the federal grant regulations make a risk assessment of federal award recipients a requirement for federal agencies before to awarding any grants. Proper documentation of your federal grant processes has become more important […]
What is Cost-share or Match?
Cost-share (also called “match“) is the part of the federally-sponsored project or program that is not paid for by the federal government. “Cost sharing or matching means the portion of project costs not paid by Federal funds (unless otherwise authorized by Federal statute). See also § 200.306 Cost sharing or matching.” From 2 CFR Part 200 […]
14 Grant Fraud Warning Signs: Which Are You Ignoring?
No one wants to think the “unthinkable” could happen at their organization. But waste, fraud, and abuse of grant funds happen daily across the over $1+ trillion in federal grants awarded annually. So how can you avoid becoming a victim of grant fraud? The first step is being aware of the warning signs. Fraud: Watch […]
8 Common Grant Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Grant management (especially since the Uniform Guidance happened) is not just about doing everything right-it also can involve steering your organization clear of those common grant mistakes (also known as “nasty situations”) that can lead you astray. Here are eight of our most common-but completely avoidable grant mistakes: Before You Get the Grant: 5 Warning Signs […]