What is Prior Approval

When you work with federal grants, it’s just a matter of time before someone says, “We need the prior approval of the funder” to do this or that. But this vague term “prior approval” may leave you wondering two important questions when you manage grants: When does 2 CFR Part 200 aka, the Uniform Guidance, […]
The More the Merrier? 5 Steps You Need To Know When You Have Multiple Grants

Multiple grants require diligent and planned monitoring to ensure that funds received are expended and then reported to the appropriate agency. as the various funders require. Multiple Grants: Is Your Head Spinning? Here are a few examples: You must ensure that expenses are tracked and claimed only once. Time and effort must be assigned to […]
Grant Management: Prevent Misuse of Funds

I admit it! I am a grant management optimist! I want to believe that it is rare for a grantee to intentionally misuses funds. However, without proper planning and documentation, an organization places itself at risk for misuse of funds-both accidental and intentional. Prevent Misuse of Grant Funds Since the implementation of 2 CFR Part 200, […]
$7 Million Repayment Blues: City Readies Payback for Lack of Grant Management

A few years back I wrote a case study about mismanaged federal grant funds from a highly critical audit report criticizing a lack of grant management. The Baltimore Brew reported that the City of Baltimore was preparing to repay nearly $7 million in federal funding from a $9.5 million federal award earmarked to serve the […]
Grant Management: Theft of Grant Funds

Unthinkable? The direct theft of grant funds? If you read the headlines, you know that misuse and theft of federal grant funds happen with frightening regularity. We believe that most organizations do not intend to misuse funds and put processes into place to avoid the risk of unintentional misuse of funds. But what should you […]
Happy International Grant Professional Day!

International Grant Professional Day #IGPD is a reason to celebrate our profession! Can you say you have an international perspective when it comes to grants? I must say even though I work in the Federal grant realm, I wasn’t aware of the broad scope of people working around the world on grants until I started […]