When it comes to financial management with federal grants, it seems like you have to become a Uniform Guidance “Master” to determine the requirements. Even if you consider yourself a problem-solver, 2 CFR Part 200 is “peppered’ with an overwhelming list of documentation requirements centered around payment management, property management, record retention, and a long […]
grant compliance
The Shocking Truth about $2.3 Million Payback of Grant Funds
How would you like to write a $2.3 million check to the US Treasury because your grant was mismanaged? Sound painful? An Office of the Inspector General report recommended that $2.3 million in grant funds be repaid to the Federal government. The award was made by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the state […]
How Transparent is Your Organization?
Transparency in the News Transparency has been in the news a lot lately! It might even feel like that expecting transparency with federal funding is the norm. In truth, the focus on transparency for federal grants is a relatively new development from being able to track spending on USASpending.gov to reporting executive compensation on the […]
Why Should You Care About Grant Compliance?
In November 2012 President Obama signed the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012. (WPEA) This piece of legislation significantly improved the whistleblower protections for federal whistleblowers. Whistleblowers play a critical role in exposing waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement as well as risk to public health and safety in all areas of the Federal government. You […]