Do you wish you had a subrecipient monitoring FAQ guide to identify the major areas of grant monitoring risk? But are you wondering what exactly that looks like for grant management? Here are seven areas of monitoring to help you start the conversation and assess your risk as the primary grant recipient: Area #1: Is […]
Grant Training Grant Management
7 Ways to Spot a Subrecipient Relationship
One of the grant management questions we get the most emails on is, “What is the difference between a subrecipient and a vendor?” Subrecipient vs. Contractor: What’s in a Name? The distinction between the terminology causes no end of confusion because the terms subrecipient, subgrantee, and subawardee are used interchangeably by federal grant recipients and […]
Examples of an Effective Compliance Program
In our last post, we looked at 4 tips for operating an effective grant management compliance program. In this post, let’s expand our understanding by looking at examples of an effective compliance program. 4 Elements of an Effective Grant Management Compliance Program Effective grant management compliance programs include these four core elements: Create Train Measure […]
Grant Monitoring Plan: 7 Things Your Program Officer Needs to Hear You Say
“What is your monitoring plan to avoid grant fraud?” Are you prepared for the day when your program officer asks the grant management team at your organization this question? Ah…well…you know… Ouch! (Hint: You should be prepared to tell your program officer what you are doing to reduce the risk of grant fraud.) Tips for […]
5 Shortcuts for Getting a Time and Attendance Process in Place
Time and attendance reporting for federal grants can be a minefield! I’ve tracked the unfortunate situation at a Pennsylvania non-profit having their grant funding frozen after $20 million in spending was out of compliance. It is a very sad story. Lots of audit findings, and lots of areas of non-compliance. Not to mention lots of […]
14 Grant Fraud Warning Signs: Which Are You Ignoring?
No one wants to think the “unthinkable” could happen at their organization. But waste, fraud, and abuse of grant funds happen daily across the over $1+ trillion in federal grants awarded annually. So how can you avoid becoming a victim of grant fraud? The first step is being aware of the warning signs. Fraud: Watch […]