
8 Common Grant Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Grant management (especially since the Uniform Guidance happened) is not just about doing everything right-it also can involve steering your organization clear of those common grant mistakes (also known as “nasty situations”) that can lead you astray. Here are eight of our most common-but completely avoidable grant mistakes: Before You Get the Grant: 5 Warning Signs […]

The Shocking Truth about $2.3 Million Payback of Grant Funds

Payback of Grant Funds

How would you like to write a $2.3 million check to the US Treasury because your grant was mismanaged? Sound painful? An Office of the Inspector General report recommended that $2.3 million in grant funds be repaid to the Federal government. The award was made by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the state […]

7 Areas of Subrecipient Monitoring-Do You Know What to Ask?

grantee monitoring

Do you wish you had a subrecipient monitoring FAQ guide to identify the major areas of grant monitoring risk? But are you wondering what exactly that looks like for grant management? Here are seven areas of monitoring to help you start the conversation and assess your risk as the primary grant recipient: Area #1: Is […]

Seven Ways to Improve Grant Management-Part I

I admit it! When it comes to grant management, I’m kind of “geeky.” I love knowing what’s working with federal grant management and what goes wrong when good grants go bad. If you want to see how things can go wrong with grant management…I mean, REALLY wrong; one of the places I love to learn […]

5 Things I learned at the Grant Professional Association (GPA) Conference

In-person conferences are back! And I’m fresh off conferences in the fall and spring, including presenting at the Grant Professional Association Conference. Now I admit it. I was slow to join any type of professional organization. It seemed impossible to fit one more thing into my already busy schedule. But I took a chance on […]

4 Grant Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

We’ve gone to the grant management mailbag for some common problems encountered in the “real-world” by “real-life” grant managers. Today we’re looking at four common grant mistakes regarding the un-allowability of public relations costs you may experience when managing your federal grant. Grant Mistakes: A Grant Manager Writes: “Are promotional items, such as pens, water […]