Transportation grants can be at risk when procurement procedures are missing or incomplete. With all the infrastructure and transportation grants flowing of late, we decided to revisit this cautionary tale from the past. Here’s what happened… An Inspector General report highlighted the risk to over $7 billion dollars in undisbursed funds for the High Speed […]
Grants Management Training
5 Little Known Facts About The Drug-Free Workplace Rules That Affect Your Grant
Reducing grant management risk is not limited to financial fraud; this effort also includes instituting policies and procedures, like the Drug-free Workplace Act. Grant recipients much also provide the oversight necessary to meet specific regulatory requirements that are part of your federal grant. Unfortunately, some federal grantees don’t realize that the Drug-Free Workplace Act of […]
Grant Leader Spotlight: Adam Roth and AmpliFund Part II
Want to know what’s going on behind the scenes for federal grant recipients? I recently finished my second interview with Adam Roth, founder, and CEO of StreamLink Software, the maker of grant management software AmpliFund, for some insights Grant Leader Spotlight. We had a wide-ranging conversation in this second interview about the recent ‘‘2017 State […]
Grants Management Made Simple
Welcome to My Fed Trainer! We are here to help you successfully navigate the endless maze of Federal grant regulations with step-by-step comprehensive training. We know the ins and outs of managing grants and offer high quality and easy to understand grants Management Training. Reduce the risk of disallowed costs. You can lessen the chance […]