I spoke at the AICPA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference on “How to Build Trust with Internal Controls.” As I began wading through the 568 pages of the DOJ Inspector General Report on the Actions by the FBI and DOJ (Yes, I am that kind of geek), I was struck by the common role that weak internal controls […]
internal controls
Grant Management: Do You Make These 10 Mistakes?
Sometimes, we get lost in the jargon of internal controls and grant management and forget the role of strong checks and balances in increasing trust with our funders, employees, and the general public. (I shared this message on how internal controls can increase trust with federal grants at an AICPA Not-for-Profit Industry conference in Washington.) How to […]
Grant Management Monitoring: 9 Lies that Fraudsters Like to Tell
Grant management is not just about doing everything right. It also includes monitoring to make sure things aren’t being done wrong. Grant fraud and misuse of grant funds is an unfortunate reality of grants management. Concealment Behaviors Grant professionals should be aware of 9 typical types of concealment behaviors that may indicate grant fraud is taking […]
Grant Monitoring Plan: 7 Things Your Program Officer Needs to Hear You Say
“What is your monitoring plan to avoid grant fraud?” Are you prepared for the day when your program officer asks the grant management team at your organization this question? Ah…well…you know… Ouch! (Hint: You should be prepared to tell your program officer what you are doing to reduce the risk of grant fraud.) Tips for […]
3 Areas for Grant Management Improvement
I recently checked back following a shocking report on the condition of federal grant management in the City of Detroit following their bankruptcy. And I was so happy to see how they were turning around their lack of federal award compliance Not only are their efforts bearing fruit from a grant management improvement standpoint–but even […]
Waste, Fraud and Abuse Cost the Federal Government Billions
Government waste, fraud, and abuse cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year and that’s just on the US Federal level! But do you know what these terms mean when it comes to spending of Federal funds? Here are some examples… What is Fraud? Fraud is any deliberate deception that exists to unlawfully deny the Federal […]