There are many moving parts when you are managing federal grants. That’s why we wanted to make it easier to find all our favorite tips from “Decoding Grant Management – The Ultimate Success Guide to the Federal Grant Regulations in 2 CFR Part 200.” Here are 7 success tips in our most favorite federal grant […]
10 Areas of Grant Risk to Consider
It’s a nightmare grant risk scenario! Picture grant funds flying out the door with seemingly little or no oversight. (Remember the “bad” part of the ARRA funding days in 2009? See any similarities between the CARES Act and ARPA funding?) The stories in the press certainly give the impression that good grants frequently go bad. […]
7 Basics of Internal Control Grant Managers Should Know
So you got a federal grant. And that means lots of internal controls requirements. Are you wondering what that means – really? A primary “must” for managing your organization’s federal awards is strong internal controls. So, if you are feeling a little uncertain about what that means to you, here are the basics of internal […]
How to Create a Grant Management Manual From Scratch
You may have heard about the need for grant management documentation. Because there is a lot of risk around federal funding… That’s why the federal grant regulations make a risk assessment of federal award recipients a requirement for federal agencies before to awarding any grants. Proper documentation of your federal grant processes has become more important […]
Download Your Free Procurement Methods “Bear Claw” Poster
Want an easy way to remember the five procurement methods under the federal grant regulations–2 CFR Part 200–also known as the “Super Circular” or Uniform Guidance? We’ve got a cool poster for you Download Your Procurement Bear Claw Poster Image for sharing Download Your Procurement Bear Claw Poster High-Quality .pdf for printing(Warning-this is a large […]
New Procurement Rules Clarified By OMB
On August 13, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) implemented statutory changes to 2 CFR Part 200, including updates to the procurement standards related to micro-purchases, sole source procurements, and contract provisions for federal grant recipients. Federal award recipients should be aware of these changes and have updated their procurement policies accordingly. These […]