
7 Areas of Subrecipient Monitoring-Do You Know What to Ask?

grantee monitoring

Do you wish you had a subrecipient monitoring FAQ guide to identify the major areas of grant monitoring risk? But are you wondering what exactly that looks like for grant management? Here are seven areas of monitoring to help you start the conversation and assess your risk as the primary grant recipient: Area #1: Is […]

13 Top Tips for Grant Management Monitoring

I shared an article on LinkedIn on the 7 warning signs for grant management monitoring, and I was amazed by the response! It felt like people were leaping up from their desks to get their 2 cents in for the top grant management monitoring tips as well! And many of the ideas were much more […]

The More the Merrier? 5 Steps You Need To Know When You Have Multiple Grants

multiple grants

Multiple grants require diligent and planned monitoring to ensure that funds received are expended and then reported to the appropriate agency. as the various funders require. Multiple Grants: Is Your Head Spinning? Here are a few examples: You must ensure that expenses are tracked and claimed only once. Time and effort must be assigned to […]

Five Tips for Starting a Grants Office

Now, in case you think this is going to be one of those “I walked through the snow five miles to school uphill both ways!” type of story, I have to confess… I had it easy! I never had to start a grants office from scratch (all by myself) to manage federal awards. I did […]

Seven Ways to Improve Grant Management-Part II

In my last post: Seven Ways to Improve Grant Management Part I, I shared ways to improve federal grant management with you. These suggestions from various Office of the Inspectors General (OIG) on how to improve the management of your grant. In this second part of our series, I expand on their suggestions by looking […]

Seven Ways to Improve Grant Management-Part I

I admit it! When it comes to grant management, I’m kind of “geeky.” I love knowing what’s working with federal grant management and what goes wrong when good grants go bad. If you want to see how things can go wrong with grant management…I mean, REALLY wrong; one of the places I love to learn […]