What’s the first step in winning the game? Knowing how to keep score! Want to know how the “other team” aka Federal Agencies will be judged on the effectiveness of the new uniform guidance? We dug through the massive piles of documents surrounding the new grant regulations and here is what we discovered… There are […]
federal grant management
The Sooner You Know These Key Parts Of The New Grant Regulations, The Better
All the waiting is now over…well mostly over New Grant Regulations . The new grant regulations have taken effect as of December 26, 2014. Now the “dress rehearsal” is over and we are “live” with the new 2 CFR Part 200 Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Standards. Are you back from the holidays with […]
5 Top Resolutions for 2015
Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions Resolutions for 2015? For 44% of us, making New Year’s resolutions is a part of the holidays. (Of course turning them into reality is generally a little harder…) Last year, many of our 2014 New Year’s resolutions went by the wayside when we returned from the holidays to discover […]
Procurement Rules: Too Good To Be True?
Recently, OMB clarified two other sources of confusion on implementing the NEW procurement standards Procurement Rules . I had to pinch myself because these seemed too good to be true! Do Indirect Costs Get a Pass? First of all, OMB stated that the procurement standards only apply to costs directly charged to award, and NOT […]
4 More Tips: Countdown To The New Grant Regulations
In the last article, we looked at three tips to get you laser-focused on what needs to be done in the countdown to the new grant regulations. In this article we’ll complete the series with our “final four” in the seven areas of focus for the new grant regulations contained in 2 CFR Part 200. […]
3 Tips: Countdown To The New Grant Regulations
Ready to get laser-focused about what absolutely, positively needs to be in place for the implementation of the new grant regulations? (Remember the new uniform guidance for grant recipients goes into effect on December 26th 2014.) I know that there are so many things going on out there. It’s hard to know what part to […]